Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reply All

One of the top email etiquette suggestions is that the 'Reply All' button be grayed or removed for most people. I'd vote all people. For the daughter Jill, I'd take away the forward button as well. For example, today she forwarded to all her friends and family a warning from the FBI sent to her by a friend in the secret service. The subject warned of the urgent nature for everyone to heed this email. The body consisted of 2 hyperlinks to pages that no longer existed. They had expired and went nowhere. Buried in the 4th footnote down was a note to be careful of people who call and claim that you missed jury duty ... and you need to give them your SSN to verify. I deleted it long before the 4th footnote. I only found out the gist of the message when I called to complain about being spammed. She muttered something about taking the iPhones away from seniors.

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