Saturday, January 3, 2009

A little California in Texas

It's a beautiful January day that is suppose to hit 80 degrees. It must be time to work on Shirley's favorite project. Shirley had a shaded jungle view from her study desk in the bay area. Today, she looks out over a brown Texas field here (it's January after all) and she wants her California view back. Did I mention that I hate digging holes in the ground? She gets around it by buying some Rosemary and Cypress bushes on sale for 70% off. (They are shaped like Christmas trees.) She already had me plant Rosemary and Pampas grass last month and was not anxious to add to it. .. but she knew my love for a deal (they were 70% off) and the fact I wouldn't ruin the good deal by letting them die, I was hooked. Hence, they are in the ground and I have that refreshing hot, sweaty feeling to write something. ... I'm off to the shower to contemplate making Texas look like California.

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