Monday, January 19, 2009

Burn Ban

Sunday was a nice day in the mid-sixties. Eric decided it would be a good day to burn the brush pile up by the road. I agreed. Once going, a nice neighbor stopped by to tell Eric about the burning ban that was in force and the $500 fine for violations. Oops! Maybe I should cough up the 50 cents a week to get the Van Alstyne Times to know what's going on in the neighborhood. Doesn't seem overpriced now. ... or maybe the patch of charred grass from my burning the week before should have been a hint that it is too dry to burn. This life in the country is so complex.

World traveler Eric got back from London Friday. He's scheduled for Paris next month. Both cities I have really enjoyed in the past, especially Paris. ... but I sure don't miss the long flights and jet lag. The week long trips just give you time to get acclimated before you return home and have to adjust back. The two hour change going to the west coast is about as much acclimating that I'm willing to do anymore.

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