Sunday, January 11, 2009

I don't envy Obama

It's hard to miss all the hope and optimism surrounding the upcoming historic presidency of Senator Obama. ... but then I reflect on what he has on his plate:
  • 2 wars in countries where its is hard to imagine either being a long term ally
  • The economy is a disaster. Commercial lending about to collapse, home values continue to decline. Who is going to keep lending us trillions as the outlook continues to be bleak?
  • Israel and the Palestinian prospects have never been this bad
  • Global warming ... and as the impacts become more obvious
  • Congress owned by lobbyists ... drug, energy, Israel, defense, NRA, financial, etc. etc.
  • Civil war brewing in Mexico
  • Nuclear Iran
  • North Korea
  • Genocide all over Africa
  • Pakistan
  • Health care, education, energy independence, social security, medicare, etc.
  • 7 years without a terrorist attack

I hope he is up to it but I don't know how one man can do it .... and me?? I have to go to the symphony this afternoon. ... ouch.

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