Thursday, January 1, 2009

Terrorism is highly over rated

Drug companies kill intentionally many times more people than terrorists ever have. 60 Minutes aired a show about Trasylol. Bayer knew of problems, kept them secret and over 500,000 people are dead. The FDC was a co-conspirator. Bayer and the FDC sat on it for 2 years after the problem was published in the New England Journal of Medicine while over 1,000 people a month continue to die needlessly. Concerns were known as far back as the early 1980s. Safe drugs that were equally effective and 1/20th the cost were available.

We spend $100s of billions, probably trillion$, fighting terrorism (Iraq, Afghanistan, homeland security, +++) when the money would be better spent (or saved) if only our government would represent the people over the drug companies. ... and quit hyping terrorism.

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