Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1 Broken Chair = 2 New Chairs & a Remodel

Weekend cards are played in the game room which is carpeted except for the mini-kitchen area. We have a great table for cards but chairs, that’s another matter. Three plus years ago Shirley found a great deal on 4 chairs for $50 each (not counting the time and gas to scour every furniture store and warehouse in the North Dallas area). The chairs look great, but the construction is another thing. They are on casters which don’t agree with the carpet. The screws that hold the legs need to be tightened about every 3 months. I was only about 2 years behind when Eric decided to move his chair closer to the table. We all heard a loud crack … Eric and the chair were on the floor.

Shirley wanted 4 new chairs, I wanted 1. She found a great looking replacement for only $360 each. I got my way (only 2 chairs) when the furniture salesman agreed with me. Shirley will never go back there.

Not wanting a repeat episode, it was obviously necessary to fix the source of the problem (per Shirley). Another hardwood floor section that matched the mini-kitchen island on was clearly in order. Ouch, a $1,000 for an 8’x7’ island but I knew I wouldn’t win two in a row.

I was going to work from home last Thursday but that was when the contractor was scheduled to lay the new floor … so I rescheduled my homework for Friday. Of course that was when the contractor showed up. I should have remembered from the days of building the house that the only time you can be assured of avoiding a contractor is when they are scheduled to be there. I still don’t know how they knew to start the belt sander just after I picked up the phone and finished dialing. Did I mention that Shirley thinks the new floor is redder than the wet bar floor.

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