Monday, January 12, 2009

Check off one symphony

aaaah, the symphony is behind me and no permanent scars. We were headed home for a late, late afternoon nap, before getting ready for bed (I really like my sleep). We called Jill on the way out of downtown … and got talked into dropping by their place for a visit and some cards. She used the “don’t you want to see Hayden?” ploy to make sure we had no real option. It was going so well … Hayden was all smiles, Shirley and I pulled off a stunning upset in cards through masterful playing … but then we got hungry. Jill and Tylir have wanted to take us to their new, favorite Mexican restaurant, Chuy’s. (But what about my low carb diet you say??) 6:30 on a Sunday and a one hour wait. There is room in the bar … margaritas … all the carb-filled tortillas and salsa you can eat for free. I love chips and salsa. It’s been months. Every notice how your willpower diminishes with alcohol?? Our table is finally ready a pound of chips later. Wow, rice and a deep fat fried Chuychonga burrito. … It is over now. It all tasted sooo good … so why do I feel sooo bad? It seems alcohol and over eating don’t help you sleep either. And I need to weigh myself in the morning. … but I did make it through the symphony.

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