Sunday, February 1, 2009

Evolution Revolution

It took me about a week after I began writing this blog before I told anyone. And then it was only Shirley (with an endless stream of corrections). I shared it with the kids a few days later. The kids were probably a mistake. Eric's response was that it sounded interesting and maybe he would check it out someday (I suspect by the year 2050). Jill likes to point out how I mischaracterize her. Michael wants to know if he gets paid for reading it. Michael read "Star Struck" and wants to know if Dan Rather and Colin Powell have blogs. He thought they would be more interesting. When does the parental abuse end?

Shirley then expanded the universe to some of her friends. She said they liked the personal stuff, not so much the political or Walden stuff. So I focused on the personal only to be greeted when I get home at nights with "I can't believe you wrote about ....". She says I embellish. Hellooo. It's called writing and as long as there is not talking animals it qualifies as factual opinion. ... and dogs are not considered animals for the purposes of this blog. For example, Michael and I were talking last night and he asked the question “Doesn’t Mom remind you of Judge Judy? Think about it.” (btw Michael doesn’t get cable TV so he is locked in to what the networks offer which apparently is a lot of the judge.) He continues, “they look, sound (except for some dialect differences) and act alike. Make a list of what they have and don’t have in common and I bet the have’s win.” We went through the exercise and the biggest difference we found was that in Judge Judy’s court there is a 50-50 chance of winning. Doesn’t this qualify as good factual opinion? It certainly comes closer than historical movies. Oops, she’s coming, I got to go.

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