Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Little Visitors

Shirley got to watch Audrey and Landry today. Landry (aka "the Dipster") immediately sat down and announced he was hungry for dip and chips. Audrey noticed and decided it was time for a cheese pizza. Then Landry wanted a cheese pizza (he was hungry). And then they topped it all off with grapes. ... Time to go to the playroom upstairs and rearrange everything ... and everything they did. Audrey empties the large basket of stuffed animals to find the one she wants to take a ride in the carriage. Landry plays with all the toys in the game closet. He re-examines the closet for anything he hasn't yet played with. Time to practice running dives into the bean bag. Lets help hang the 3 new knickknack bicycle art pieces. Lets create our own art. Finally, the hour is up and Jeffery picks them up. It's safe for me to go home now.

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