Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Back to Work

Monday was a Jack Henry holiday. Ahhh, the kids and grandkids were gone ... a great day to kick back and relax. Oops, I just remembered I was going to start on my taxes today. This is never a good thing. As usual, the first thing Turbo Tax asks for I don't have (the Jack Henry W-2). I feel the tension building. Now the IRS wants to know where our charities are located. Shirley, do we really give money to an Indian reservation in Montana?? We started donating to the micro lender KIVA. The founder won the Nobel Peace Prize a few years ago. They should be easy to find. Oops, not on their web page. What did we do before Google? I'm not feeling the serenity.

... and then there is the barn that was about 25% destroyed in the wind storm a week ago. The insurance adjuster has been by so there is no excuse for not picking up the debris. It amazes me that a 30' x 4' 100 pound piece of steel flew over 100 yards. Add another 50 yards for a 2x4 and still another 100 yards for a skylight panel. Dragging all of it to one spot meant about 20 trips. The 30' steel panels were the worst, though not too bad if you remembered to point the nails and screws up. Impossible the other way. I'm sweating. Trim the pompas grass and fix the tires on the surrey still on Judge Judy's list.

Tuesday morning, back in the office, thank heavens.

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