Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Family Affair

It was the best of times, the worst of times. The food was great. The food was awful. The grandkids were wonderful. The cards were excellent. Then Tylir won a game. Then Jill went out of her way to set me while letting Tylir and Eric skate. I know it had something to do with me giving away her Barbie’s 20 years ago.

The day started with Eric, Jill, Tylir and all the grandkids arriving at the house about midday Saturday. The games began and I was winning. Shirley served the delicious, diet busting hor d’oeuvres: sausage and cheese biscuits plus chips and dip. Time was moving swimmingly until the dinner bewitching hour arrived … the dreaded school band fund raising spaghetti dinner, sauce and mush. I managed to eat some brown lettuce but that was my limit. Everyone else ate the dinner and later told me I had made the right choice. I did manage a grandkid in the lap for almost the entire 2 hour experience. Hayden managed to meet several strangers. It surprises me that people you don’t know want to hold your baby.

Back home, the cards kept coming and the Mavs win by a point on OT. I slept well. The next morning started well with a good breakfast and funny grandkids. I guess the lucky cards had to end but who would have thought that my own children would take such pleasure in my suffering. Can’t say I was that sorry to see them leave at noon.

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