Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Talk to the Box

A year ago the economy looked bad. Unfortunately, I didn’t know what bad really looked like. Now the economy looks bad …. And I really hope I know what bad looks like. It’s hard to look at Washington for solutions. The Republicans are hoping it gets worse enough that we start thinking the Democrats got us here. The Democrats are thrilled it’s bad enough that it is “spending time again”; the coffers are wide open for all their causes. Boy do we need some Obama magic.

I wish I felt that I know the answer but it is way too complicated. The government running banks doesn’t sound good, but bankers running banks sound even worse. Giving everybody health care and unemployment insurance feels good but it doesn’t feel like a solution. Tax cuts for all helps me but I really think tax cuts for businesses are really the only ones that have an impact. I’m afraid there is only one place to turn for answers; Shirley, go ask that little box that talks to you.

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