Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's not a totally bad news recession

The banks need more money, the credit unions want some now, unemployment rises and home prices keep going down along with the stock market. It's the worst economy of my life ... but there are rays of hope.
  • Maybe we will become energy independent. There is more public support and financing for home grown sources of energy from wind and solar to carbon sequestering and nuclear.
  • Americans are realizing that our economy is our greatest resource and protection against enemies. Have any of the wars of the past 60 years done us any good? Do we need to spend more on defence than the rest of the world combined? Do we need troops in Europe, Korea, Japan and the middle east? Our resources are much better spent on assets that have a return; infrastructure, energy independence, the environment and world good (there are dividends for helping people).
  • Americans are rethinking their spending habits, starting to save again. Our values are changing for the better by being more focused on our friends and family.

I think we will have a very different and better country when it is all over.

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