Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good Bet

When I have an evening requirement in Dallas, I generally spend the night at Jill and Tylir's. Last night was one of those evenings as I had a good dinner with a great friend, Scott Shafer. Afterwards, I trekked to Jill's for some cards and then to my bed for the night. If you were to place a bet on who would win the evening of cards, your money would be well placed on me. Not because the odds are better that I would win any particular game but rather because of how the winner is determined. I was holding my own in the regular play but as it got late, and as we always do, we play one final round for the nightly championship regardless of how it has gone so far. You may think the odds of being champion are one in three but you would be wrong. Because if Tylir wins he wants to keep playing so much so that he is willing to play another round to determine the "real" champion. If Jill wins she want to go to bed but the pressure to play another round from Tylir and me overcome her better instincts. Me, if I win, I love to get up and go to bed. The more they squawk the better I sleep. Now back to the betting. If you would have bet on me last night you would have lost. Jill won both the championship and the "real" championship rounds and I didn't sleep well at all.

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