Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Sunday

It’s Sunday. It started off with Jill and I beating Eric and Tylir in euchre for the weekend championship. We made some bacon, egg and cheese tequitas for breakfast and it was time for Hayden to take her parents and the barking dog to go home. Shirley’s last words to me Saturday night were that she was setting her alarm for 7 AM so she could make breakfast for the kids. I woke her up about 11:15 so we wouldn’t miss the symphony this afternoon. What was I thinking?

We needed a place to eat afterwards. The Grotto is one of Shirley’s favorites but they are closed on Sunday. I decided to check on the Internet to see if maybe they would be open, being the day after Valentine’s Day. It turned out not to be the case, in fact they are now closed Monday through Saturday as well. I have discovered over the years that the likelihood a restaurant will go out of business is directly proportional to how much Shirley likes it. I wonder if there is a way to make money on this knowledge. Off to the symphony.

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