Friday, March 20, 2009

Use condoms .. go to hell - the Pope

Get ready for one of my political rants .... ready, here goes.

The Pope is visiting Africa this week. A continent with the highest birthrate and the infant mortality to go along with it. A continent where the aides epidemic finds the most vulnerable. A continent that can't feed itself and a world headed in that direction. I like to blame religions for a lot unnecessary wars and advice to presidents ... but there is so much more. The Pope goes to Africa where he could do a great deal of good. Instead he tells them not to use condoms ... a simple and cheap devise that could save many from the horrible life/death sentence of aides and many children from starving to death. I suspect he still believes the earlier teaching that the universe rotates around the earth, the earth being the center of all things. I guess they were wrong about that one too.

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