Monday, March 2, 2009

Book publishers following music publishers into the abyss

Amazon just announced their new Kindle, an eBook reader. One of the new features was that it would read the book to you in that echoey computer speak. Publishers claimed foul, that Amazon is creating a derivative work. Legally I suspect they are right, but doesn't this feature help sell more books? Book publishers get paid for every Kindle book, unlike the music publishers that get zip for file sharing music. Has any company won when they tried to stop the advancement of better technology? How about the ones that tried to stop the VCR? TIVO? music? movies? anything? The answer is NO.

The good news is that the barn is empty thanks to the help of Jeffrey, Landry, Dena and Eric ... it's ready to be demolished and rebuilt. Our personal stimulus package for the dismal economy.

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