Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Home Coming

Michael's laundry is done and his apartment cleaned (at least as much as you can with the yet unpacked boxes in the middle of the floor) so it's time for Shirley to come home. The only disappointment being that the two of them did not get to sit down and watch Judge Judy together.

My last night alone was anything but. Eric invited me to dinner with the family. Landry managed to hit me up for contributions to his favorite charity (or should I say the school's favorite) and he is lobbying hard for a red barn. Jeffrey announced that he really likes the freedom of having a driver's license even if he has to run a few errands for Dena. I guess he is normal after all. Good food and a good game of catch in the living room made for a nice final night on my own.

1 comment:

  1. Actually Lewrub, we DID watch it together. *Note: there is an error on this blog. I'm drafting a complaint to the editors of
