Sunday, May 17, 2009

Health Care and Capitalism

The profit motive is not consistent with quality health care. It is far less profitable to develop a cure for a disease than it is develop a daily pill that relieves the symptoms that you need to take for the rest of your life. It rewards drug companies to spend hundreds on millions of dollars to develop and advertise pain relievers that cost over 100 times more than the safer, more effective aspirin and ibuprofen.

The Dallas Morning News published a report in today's paper comparing the French public health care system to ours. Here are the stats:

Life Expectancy: US 78 years vs. French 80.9 years
Infant Mortality per 1,000 births: US 6.7 vs. French 3.6
Health spending per person: US $6,714 vs. French $3,450

We have more obesity, the French more smokers. I'd say a wash.

Conclusion: The Dallas Morning News must be a left wing rag to publish this kind of stuff.

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