Tuesday, May 26, 2009

All the stars were lined up for the perfect holiday weekend

Jill and Tylir, Eric and Dena and all the grandchildren were at the farm, the weather was near perfect, Shirley was cooking, Eric was grilling, … what could possible go wrong? You’re wrong; it wasn’t Shirley’s cooking or anything else on the list. That stuff was all great. But then there was the other, unexpected stuff. For one, the cards turned on me. Something I could usually depend on failed me in front of the entire group (yes, I had to watch Tylir and his jig … my apologies to everyone else present). Seeking solace, what better escape than the old, dependable Ford tractor and mowing a few acres, except when the X@*&&# starter locked up. I guess I’ll check my emails. Good, there is one from Michael in Berkeley; I wonder why he didn’t just call. Oh, he lost his iPhone on BART. What else could go wrong? What do you mean the barn is locked and the keys don’t work? But this is where the luck starts to go the other way, thanks to our young hero, Landry. He was able to squeeze under one of the sliding doors that had not been properly secured, got in and unlocked the barn. Yea Landry, you saved the weekend.

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