Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Going back in time

Shirley and I have spent the past several days in Berkeley with Mike. It is a neat city that is as vibrant and old as back in the 60s. Nostalgia set in. The hippies are still here with the addition of a bunch of pounds and minus a bunch of hair. I don’t remember that much due to too many pina coladas in the years since. I do miss the days when I had those double knit, sans–a–belt, hip hugger, elephant leg bellbottom slacks.(They look really cool when I do the Robot). I wore them well into the 80s. (Jill really misses those days as well. She had this nightmarish fear that one of her friends might see me in them.) I still like to wear the Mr T starter set of gold chains but only with his nicest Rayon shirts (4 buttons unbuttoned).

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