Friday, April 10, 2009

You remind me of your father

... are among Eric's least favorite words these days when Landry's on the loose. They are generally not heard because Landry just picked up his room, did a good deed for his mother or helped his sister. And they seem to come mostly from those of us who knew Eric when he was Landry's age. And they are said often, even more often lately. Though it should be said that while Eric is not that thrilled, Jill and I are loving it.

Landry and Audrey came to visit the other day. Soon they asked for their requisite snacks, chips and dip for Landry, a cheese tortilla pizza for Audrey. Then Audrey surprisingly says she will get the chips for Landry. She emerges smiling from the pantry carrying Bailey's and Becket's bacon strip snacks. Shirley tells her that those are dog treats. The smile widens. Between giggles she says "I know." Oh Eric, too bad (hee hee hee).

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