Monday, April 6, 2009

Tale of two Tylirs

Tylir headed back to the farm when Jill requested that he pick up a bag a lettuce at the new Braums on the way. She hung up with him as he got there. Dutifully he found the lettuce and went to check-out, looking at his text messages as he got there. The clerk scanned the lettuce and Tylir saw $2.19 on the video display. He handed the clerk a $5 bill and was checking a text message when he realized he had 20 cents, which he promptly pulled out of his pocket and handed to the clerk. The clerk had rung up the $5. He looked at the 20 cents, looked at Tylir, looked at the 20 cents, looked at Tylir, looked at the 20 cents, looked at the cash drawer, looked at Tylir ... Tylir could see progressive levels of panic on the clerks face with each successive look. Tylir finally said "Just give me $3.01 in change." The clerk nodded and uttered an "uh, okay." Looked at the cash drawer, looked at Tylir a couple of more times and put the 20 cents in the drawer. Tyler looks at the video display again and it says $2.81 ... an says "Oh wait, was it $2.19 or $2.81?" The clerk looks at Tylir, his video display, the cash drawer in a unending loop. That is when Tylir noticed that his name was Tylir. Back on the farm we were saying "I wonder what is taking Tylir so long?"

btw .. the 2nd Tylir really spelled his name Tyler.

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