Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You can't handle the truth

Reality should be setting in for Hayden's parents. Sunday morning Jill put Hayden in her chair for breakfast. The baby that never cries had a melt down. Bawling like I have never heard. Jill puts a plate in front of her with the result being breakfast everywhere. Only Becket with the food treasure hunt seemed to see the benefit of the new, bad Hayden. Jill was convinced it was an anomaly, "Oh, she must be teething" became the accepted explanation.

Then there was lunch Monday. The good Hayden was next to me in a booth at a local Plano establishment. But then it became time to put her in her chair, oops. Melt down. Tears running down her cheeks, she struggled with all her might to reach any object on the table so she could turn them into projectile, with some success. It only lasted about TEN MINUTES. Teething again? Nope, this time it was my fault for not putting her in the chair immediately.

A couple of blogs ago I wrote about an unpleasant experience loaning my Fit to Tyler. The response I got was "Gees, somebody sensitive about their car! Well, I printed out that blog so when Hayden grows up she can see how Bops was mean and said she was a boy. By the way, you got to stop making our baby cry!" Sounds a lot like an adult version of a melt down to me. I think she come by it honestly.

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