Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Not in Kansas Anymore

I made it home from a speaking gig in the flat, white Wichita. I know it is hard to believe that someone from Dallas complains about a place being flat, but that’s Wichita. As always, it’s nice to be home, especially from Wichita. … Did I mention cold?

I made it home in time for the Super Bowl. Good game and fun to see New Orleans win … and glad I didn’t bet on it. I would have gone with Peyton. “The Who” was the featured half time act. I grew up listening to “The Who” and I’m a grandfather. I think it is time they change their name to “The Was.”

It reminded me incident in the early 80s when I was managing the credit union division for EDS. A female field rep was converting a credit union in Chicago and had not doing a good job. She got more rope than most because she was attractive and personable but it got to the point that the customer complained. She was home in Dallas for a couple of days before she was scheduled to go back to Chicago. I called her in and fired her. She didn’t make a case that she was being picked on or misunderstood or how hard she worked. Instead, the only thing she said in outrage was “but I have tickets for The Who next week.” I definitely think I waited too long to fire her.

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