Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Crats lose, crats lose

The democrats/Obama just lost what most of us would consider one of the safest democrat seats in the US Senate, Ted Kennedy's former seat. What happened? In Bill Clinton's famous words, "It's the economy, stupid." High unemployment and fat cat bailouts don't make for good politics. While I remain an Obama supporter, the move toward split government is a good thing ... and there seams to be a strong spending control message in there as well. Republicans and democrats may need to start working together again. Unfortunately I doubt they will address issues that really solve our problems. The biggest threat to the country is our economic strength. We cannot afford to pay more than the rest of the world ensure the free flow of oil from the middle east. Money spent for energy independence is better directed than money toward wars and defence. We are fighting 2 wars to protect our position in the Middle East. Europe, China and Japan have a much greater need for their oil but we pay the bill to protect it. If we got out of there, the terrorists wouldn't need to kill us.

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