Saturday, June 6, 2009

I feel better now

I was listening to my early NPR show, The People's Pharmacy, this morning. Today's topic was drug safety. The good ole FDA came up, that government watchdog that is suppose to take care to insure that we get good drugs, other than marijuana of course. It turns out a whistle blower notified them of fraud in the production of medicine from the largest generic manufacturer in India, one of the largest in the world. Three years later they investigated and found the fraud to be real. Being the good stewards of our health, they waited another nine months. Finally, they issued an alert to all pharmacies and doctors that drugs from this company may not be what they claim. No recall. They said not to worry about the fraudulent drugs already on the shelf. Another good example of lobbying contributions getting a good return. I wish ordinary consumers could invest in lobbying efforts ... it pays a much higher returns than the stock market ... and much less risk.

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