Friday, June 19, 2009

Movie Reviews

I just realized I hadn’t written any movie reviews lately. Probably because I haven’t gone to any movies, except for Star Trek. It was a really good action movie with a lead character that wasn’t very likable. What else do you need to know? There aren’t any other good movies unless you like animated. I don’t. The Hangover is supposed to be a good comedy but I’m sure too raunchy for Judge Judy and me. Another ex-Daily Show correspondent, Ed Helms, makes it big with that show, joining Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert. I think the Daily Show has usurped Saturday Night Live as the jumping off point for comedy stardom. I sure hope the new Woody Allen movie is going to be good. The reviews are but a screaming Larry David who falls for a 20 year old just doesn’t sound that appealing.

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