Monday, June 8, 2009

Hayden Comes to Visit

Saturday, Shirley and I took Jill and Tylir to the airport for their Bahamas trip and Hayden was officially turned over to us for 6 days. Hey, no problem. Hayden is the sweetest, always smiling little bundle of joy you ever want to meet. However, after 90 minutes of her rapid fire demands and orders I realized I had enough ... and the plane hadn't taken off yet. I called Jill and told her not to get on that airplane. She claimed that she was already on the plane and the luggage thing would be a real pain. I said you don't understand pain (well, maybe she does thus not getting off the plane). But I'm in my golden years I explained to no avail. She chuckled and reminded me about applying the butt cream.

It's been two days now. I've been down to Eric and Dena's home and taken their entire family out to Red Lobster for what was a surprisingly good dinner. I keep hoping Dena's motherly instincts would kick in and that she would insist on taking Hayden for the child's sake. It worked exactly as well as getting Jill to not board that plane. At least the new tractor is suppose to arrive today. It should be a good chance to simultaneously learn how it works and teach Hayden to mow. I'll have it made for many years to come if she can drive that tractor half as well as she drives Shirley and I.

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