Monday, June 15, 2009

Health Care Reform ... oops

We are in dire need of health care reform as I have indicated in prior blogs. Profit motive and good consumer health care are not compatible. Every Western European country, Canada and Japan are able to offer better care than us at half the cost. Unfortunately we have a system where the politicians need to make everyone happy except for those that don't like huge deficit spending.

The only system that makes sense is a single payer system (US government). One third of the expense today is in the administration of 1,000s of different plans with varying coverages, deductibles and co-pays. Eliminating this administrative nightmare is the largest area of potential savings. With a single payer system, everyone has the same plan so it is simple to administer, but that leaves the insurance companies hanging out to dry. US politicians will never allow this to happen to good paying lobbyists like the insurance companies. The result of our current efforts will be an even more expensive, poor system that simply cost a great deal more than what we have today. Ugh.

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