Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Road Warrior or Bedroom Cocoon

I remember when being a road warrior was a position of envy. Collecting all those miles so you could go on another free trip was a source of pride. I'm not sure when it changed. The terrorists are part of it with the extra airport procedures and delays they have caused. The airlines being bankrupt or on the verge of it hasn't helped. The Internet and wii are big deals. The Internet always works with fewer hassles at home plus the wii games are connected to the home TV. I'm hooked on the boxing, great exercise.

However, TIVO (or in my case a brand X digital recorder from DISH) is the real culprit. Being able to watch what you want, when you want, commercial free TV is one of those things you don't truly appreciate until you do without. Watching TV in a hotel room is the definition of doing without. It doesn't matter how flat or how big the TV is if there is nothing on that you want to watch.... and don't forget those commercials.

There is on downside to TIVO, at least for me. The son-in-law, Tylir, doesn't have it. Probably just as well in that he loves commercial, sport themed commercials in particular. Quite often his conversations start with "did you see the commercial where ...?" I follow that with a long pause. It could probably be our main source of bonding but I'm just not willing to go back to commercials. Or traveling when I can get out of it. I prefer the fully wired bedroom cocoon to any hotel room in the world.

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