Monday, August 10, 2009

Pain in the back and one a little lower

Last week I somehow strained my back. It started as a little inconvenience on Monday and was an embarrassing/painful "how do I get out of this chair" situation by Saturday. It's not good when neither Shirley or me can reach anything within two feet of the floor.
And Saturday was the big event, Landry's birthday. Eric and Dena planned the party at our house. Fortunately the food was catered (and really good) so I only needed to worry about a few dirty dishes. Landry successfully hit number 7 and seemed pleased with the gifts and all the attention. Hayden also thought it was her birthday and was equally pleased. ... As was I. I beat everyone in Tiger Wood's Golf. Actually I was tied with Tylir but he considers a tie a loss while I consider it a win. Hence, that makes me the only winner. In cards, Jill and I reigned supreme. A pretty nice weekend, pain and all.

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