Thursday, December 31, 2009

What to do?

Shirley asked me this morning to dump out her old water into Becket’s bowl and get her some new water. That got me thinking. New water? What is new water? Water pumped up from an aquifer might be millions of years old. Rain water? I think that is more recycled or reconstituted water. Either way, would you want to drink rain water? I’ve always been told it is dirty. Bottled water? In the clear plastics bottles it is subject to BPA that will mess with your hormones. Water treated by the water company with chemicals certainly can’t be considered new. In fact, I think all of our water is several billion years old. I don’t know what to do. It’s been eight hours and I think she is probably getting really thirsty. They say whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting over. Maybe I’ll just get her a new shot of whiskey. It is new years eve afterall.

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