Saturday, October 24, 2009

Twitter is for old people

Those were the words spoken by a teenage girl during an NPR interview. By "old people", I'm assuming she meant 20 year olds or so. This is the latest evidence that young people today live in a world that has a very different perspective from mine. Me, I like to stay current on what's going on in the world. I listen to NPR religiously; I get new off the Internet, largely from google news; I read the Wall Street Journal; and I watch news shows on TV including Charlie Rose and CSPAN. However, I end up seeing and hearing a lot of stuff I don't care about. Then there is GenY, aka Michael. A GenY "aha moment" for me was while listening to yet another NPR interview where a GenYer said "If the news is important, it will find me." Using twitter, facebook and other social media, the news finds the GenYer. They too get a lot of worthless static but not necessarily more than me. I hunt my news, theirs finds them. Not right or wrong, just a different process. I do plan to stick with mine ... except for maybe during pledge weeks.

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