Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Big Crybaby

Hayden has always been remarkable in that she rarely cries. She cried for a total of about 30 seconds when she spent a week with Shirley and me. She doesn’t cry when you put her down to sleep. She doesn’t cry when she wakes up. She doesn’t cry when she wants something. Friends are in awe (not to mention jealous) at what a good baby she is. She may cry for 10 or 15 seconds if she hurts something. Oops, change where I used “doesn’t” to “didn’t” and “is” to “was”. Jill and Tylir thought it would be a good idea if she had more time with other children her age. Hence, mother’s day out. Within a couple weeks Hayden has learned the proper action whenever you want anything … crying at the top of your lungs. Tylir has come up with the best solution, not letting her socialize with children her age ever again. Mother’s day out is over. They also need to screen TV shows for crying kids and only go to adult oriented restaurants. No more “kids eat free” fares. Oops again, forget that last one. It is too good a deal. Other than that Tylir has my full support.

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