Saturday, October 24, 2009

Odds and Ends

Friday started as a quiet day around the farm but then things really got crazy. I was working from home, Eric got back from Minneapolis mid-morning and Tim had the day off. All of us were on the farm quietly minding our own business. Suddenly I noticed two horses and a mule in our front yard. We no longer own any large animals so they were not ours. I called them to attention of Shirley. I asked "What should we do?" She suggested she call our neighbor whose animals they are. I thought that sounded reasonable so I told her to go ahead. Only minutes later the phone rings. It's Tim asking "Do you know there are two horses and a mule in your front yard?" I explained that we had already taken action. I later noticed that I had a missed call from Eric. I called him back. He said he had called about the horses and the mule ... but the neighbor had come over and took them back. Eric will be over for coffee in the morning. I can't wait to talk to him about the horses and the mule.

Jill ignored Tylir's and my advice about keeping Hayden home from mother's-day-out after they taught her to cry. Sure enough she picked up on lesson number two, how to pinch. I suspect this week she learned how to bite but Jill denies it.

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