Thursday, March 11, 2010

Puppies ... Puppies

Let me introduce Bentley and Bristol. A few weeks ago Shirley and I adopted these two puppies. You might wonder why it took me so long to blog about it. To be honest, it was a trial period. I was hoping we could trade up for some cute ones but no such luck. We had to give them names that started with a “B” as per Shirley rule 187. I think in this case, a mistake. The mother appears to be mostly Jack Russell and nobody knows who the dad is. We’re thinking one night stand. The Vet, Shirley and others think Bassett Hound. However, I think differently. The way Bentley gnaws at my fingers, burrows into the covers and gives me that stare; I’m thinking more rat. I thought Willard would be a more appropriate name. Shirley exercised her normal veto on that idea. So Bentley it is. You’ll need to watch your toes if you come to visit.

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