Friday, March 19, 2010


A person with a great memory can be absent minded. I am a case in point. I always amazed my dad with my ability to remember things of minute detail but I have always been absent minded. I often focus on one thing and forget the other things I’m doing. Of course, now I’m older so the memory is gone ... but unfortunately I’m still absent minded. The other day Shirley and I were at a local mall sitting at a table. The time came for Shirley’s hair appointment so she left me at the table with the Laurel Burch bag of recent purchases while I was finishing a Sudoku on my iPhone. I finished the puzzle and left, and yes, without the bag. I picked Shirley up at mall entrance when her hair was done. We were home before Shirley asked where the bag was. She was shocked. What was my problem? In my defense, she has known about this problem for about as long as she has known me. It was like the second meal we ate together when I forgot my sunglasses on the table. Ever since, she takes any objects I’m about to set on a table and puts them in her purse. Why would she trust me with a bag now? What is her problem?

Today, I was working from home. I was on a business conference call using the home phone when a call was coming through from Shirley. She was home and knew I was on a business call. I went to find her to figure out what she was doing. She said she was looking for her phone and could not find it. I gave her my cell to call her cell. The restaurant we ate dinner at last night answered. I guess we all lose something when we get old. Touché.

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