Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thomas Jefferson Who???

Scientists and theologians have been at odds for centuries. Science believes in challenging what we think we know. The religious believe in faith and punishing those that challenge any part of their faith. Copernicus was persecuted by the church for theorizing that the earth revolved around the sun vs. the earth being the heavenly center of the universe. Galileo was imprisoned for his discoveries.

We now have a modern day version (besides jihad terrorists). Texas has a board of educators that determines what goes in the textbooks for our children. This year the board voted to enact new teaching standards for history and social studies that will alter which material gets included in school textbooks. It decided to drop Thomas Jefferson from a world history section devoted to great political thinkers. Jefferson is widely regarded as one of the most important of all the founding fathers of the United States and the chief architect of the constitution … but he also is the one that first suggested the separation of church and state. Hence, he is no longer part of US history in Texas … and a lot of other states that end up with the Texas textbooks because the publishers can’t afford different books for every state. And I bet these people are also concerned that Obama is taking away their country.

Friday, March 19, 2010


A person with a great memory can be absent minded. I am a case in point. I always amazed my dad with my ability to remember things of minute detail but I have always been absent minded. I often focus on one thing and forget the other things I’m doing. Of course, now I’m older so the memory is gone ... but unfortunately I’m still absent minded. The other day Shirley and I were at a local mall sitting at a table. The time came for Shirley’s hair appointment so she left me at the table with the Laurel Burch bag of recent purchases while I was finishing a Sudoku on my iPhone. I finished the puzzle and left, and yes, without the bag. I picked Shirley up at mall entrance when her hair was done. We were home before Shirley asked where the bag was. She was shocked. What was my problem? In my defense, she has known about this problem for about as long as she has known me. It was like the second meal we ate together when I forgot my sunglasses on the table. Ever since, she takes any objects I’m about to set on a table and puts them in her purse. Why would she trust me with a bag now? What is her problem?

Today, I was working from home. I was on a business conference call using the home phone when a call was coming through from Shirley. She was home and knew I was on a business call. I went to find her to figure out what she was doing. She said she was looking for her phone and could not find it. I gave her my cell to call her cell. The restaurant we ate dinner at last night answered. I guess we all lose something when we get old. Touché.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Puppies ... Puppies

Let me introduce Bentley and Bristol. A few weeks ago Shirley and I adopted these two puppies. You might wonder why it took me so long to blog about it. To be honest, it was a trial period. I was hoping we could trade up for some cute ones but no such luck. We had to give them names that started with a “B” as per Shirley rule 187. I think in this case, a mistake. The mother appears to be mostly Jack Russell and nobody knows who the dad is. We’re thinking one night stand. The Vet, Shirley and others think Bassett Hound. However, I think differently. The way Bentley gnaws at my fingers, burrows into the covers and gives me that stare; I’m thinking more rat. I thought Willard would be a more appropriate name. Shirley exercised her normal veto on that idea. So Bentley it is. You’ll need to watch your toes if you come to visit.

Frequent Flier Blues

Monday was a cloudy, rainy day. I was scheduled to fly out but everything on the Internet indicated flights were on time. I arrived 2 hours early at the airport for a flight to San Diego. There was an earlier flight leaving in 20 minutes in terminal A, gate A29. I was in the terminal D, scheduled to leave from D37. Rather than rush over to A29 via the tram, engage in some serious speed hiking and a likely get middle seat if I’m lucky enough to get on, I thought it better to get a Starbucks coffee and chocolate chip cookie, go to my gate and leisurely wait for my flight. I was scheduled to arrive 3 hours before my dinner with Lea, no problem. After about an hour, I noticed I was still about the only person at the gate. I checked my emails and sure enough, American had sent me several notifications of a gate change. The new gate was A29. I’m thinking this is a bad omen. I get to A29 in time to hear the announcement of another gate change to C2, a third gate in a third terminal. I’m thinking a really bad omen. I get to C2 about 25 minutes before scheduled departure. The gate attendant is asking all the San Diego passengers to find a seat and quit bothering her. She needed to focus her attention on getting the plane that was currently at the gate awaiting departure for Mexico City. This is no longer an omen, its crap.

The Mexico City plane was held for passengers due in from Honolulu. The two previous gates I was at were empty. Someone is messing with me. Finally, that plane leaves the gate, my plane arrives and empties passengers. Then just we are getting ready to board, the gate agent announces that an emergency chute accidentally deployed and they need to call maintenance. An hour later we finally start to board. The plane is full and no one is looking forward to a 3 hour flight. We wait in line for our turn to take off. Finally, it is our turn. Then we get the announcement that they just closed the airport, waiting for a thunderstorm to move through. The pilot explains how important our safety is but I just want to kill someone. Instead, I call Lea and cancel dinner. I’ve got three million American miles and wouldn’t mind if I never got another one.