Thursday, December 31, 2009

What to do?

Shirley asked me this morning to dump out her old water into Becket’s bowl and get her some new water. That got me thinking. New water? What is new water? Water pumped up from an aquifer might be millions of years old. Rain water? I think that is more recycled or reconstituted water. Either way, would you want to drink rain water? I’ve always been told it is dirty. Bottled water? In the clear plastics bottles it is subject to BPA that will mess with your hormones. Water treated by the water company with chemicals certainly can’t be considered new. In fact, I think all of our water is several billion years old. I don’t know what to do. It’s been eight hours and I think she is probably getting really thirsty. They say whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting over. Maybe I’ll just get her a new shot of whiskey. It is new years eve afterall.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Down with Up

I’m not an animated film fan. Movie critics seem to universally love them, giving nearly everyone a top tier rating. I’m not sure why, I know I don’t get it. That known, Shirley decided to buy the animated movie “Up”. Then she and Michael insisted that I watch it with them. Once again, I’m not sure why, I know I don’t get it. Perhaps it was because the hero was a crotchety old geezer. We did have in common that we don’t like to leave the house, though he had the unique capability to take it with him on his worldly adventures. I don’t think the helium balloons are a practical solution for me. That leaves airplane travel and I think I’ll stay home. Especially now with the heightened security and the one carry-on rule.

Shirley could relate to the geezer’s four footed cane. I don’t think that endeared her to the movie though. She did claim she heard me laugh several times. But that could also be said of Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds” which was the worst movie I’ve seen in a long time. It should have been animated. Couldn’t hurt and I would have known not to watch it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Home with a View

I’ve always loved the view at Walden, perhaps my favorite. Unfortunately it has deteriorated significantly this holiday season. Tylir has always had an entertaining victory ritual whenever he wins at a round of cards. To Jill’s chagrin and my pain/agony, Tylir added showing his bare ass as part of his performance. To make matters worse, during our Christmas celebration, Michael suggested to Tylir that he could use a foot rub. I probably don’t need to tell you Tylir’s appendage of choice for rubbing Michael’s feet. I called foul. Tylir can now only show his ass if he wins at a round of cards. At least now, it will only be a rare occurrence.
My other view is political of course. Have you noticed that as health care reform comes closer to reality that the Republican’s primary objections are to the spending cuts. They universally oppose the Medicare cuts in the bill and they oppose any attempt to ration (think death panel) health care. Both are absolutely necessary if we are ever going to get control over health care costs. Any wonder why I’m no longer a Republican.