Monday, December 29, 2008

Why Walden Way

I'm starting this blog to get back into writing. It is about family and friends at a place we love called Walden. It's about the secret to happiness - being grateful everyday ... without getting syrupy. I'll be posting pictures and stories about life on Walden. I'll also add the interesting stuff I learned that day, usually from watching CSPAN or listening to BBC late at night. .... pretty sad huh.

The most thought provoking thing I've read in the last 24 hours is that us meat eaters should switch to eating roos ... or not eating meat. Cows, sheep and goats account for more global warming (18%) than all our modes of transportation ... cars, buses, trucks and planes. Wow!! What about cheese?? I could live without meat but I'm not sure about cheese.

Tomorrow I'll start about Walden.

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