Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dinner with Young Son

Last night the wonderful wife and I took Young Son, Michael, to dinner at our favorite steak restaurant, Del Frisco's. We found that they are not immune to the economic tsunami. When Shirley ordered her favorite salad, tomato and mozzarella, we were told that they were not offering it until the economy comes back. They have $160 lobster but they had to cut back on a salad. The waitress soon returned to tell us the good news, "tonight they do have a mozzarella and tomato salad, but only an Italian one, not the French." The French??

Walden is an 126 acre farm in northeast Texas with rolling hills, creek, woods, fields and a small lake shared with another farmer on the other side. The birds are great: Texas condors (buzzards), martins, road runners, killdeer, mockingbirds, egrets, great egrets, sand cranes, owls, white tail hawks and many more. ... add armadillos, rabbits, sheep, cows, horses and there is always something going on. I'll be showing you a lot of pictuires, maybe sound effects if I'm smart enough to figure out how.

How about that population? Every week the world adds 3,500,000 new people. Basically the metropolitan area of Minneapolis and St. Paul added every week. What about the resources to feed and shelter them? What about the animals? Where are they going to live? I think we need to be more concerned about the quality of life (all of us including animals) than the quantity.

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