Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Must Have Gadget

I blogged a few times ago about Shirley leaving her cell phone at a restaurant. She is not the first person to do so nor the last. It is a serious problem as your phone becomes evermore critical in defining who you are. ... and it won't be long before it is also our primary payment device, replacing plastic cards. It is not something you want to leave behind.

Enter the new ZOMM. A bluetooth connected attachment to your key chain. Get more than 35 feet from your cell and it starts to vibrate, light up and beep. A savior if you are going to your car, not so good if you're entering the restroom. You need to get used to asking for a table within 35 feet of the restroom. Otherwise you will probably start leaving your keys at the table with your phone. This works if you're driving, but what if you rode with someone else. oops.

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