Sunday, November 8, 2009

Swine Flu Escape

I traveled to Boston this week for a banking conference. All the news stories about swine flu had caught my attention. While over reported, I really didn't want to get it. I got on the plane only to be next to gentleman that would have a series of sneezes about every 5 minutes followed by 1 minute of nose blowing and wiping. Fortunately it was only a 4 hour flight.

I finally got to the hotel. One of the first things I noticed was all the Asians with masks. I took a long shower ... only 48 hours to go before I head home. I ran out of Purell about 30 minutes and 50 handshakes into the conference. I wasn't sure I was going to survive but I did. I credit the alcohol. Today, I'm bunkered in at the farm and I don't hit the road again for several weeks. It's good to be alive.